Change Logs
Here are the official patch notes itemised and annotated where possible. Note that there have been many unlisted changes over time and some of the old pet data is unavailable without manually trawling through old videos, so there isn't always a comparison to the previous version included!
Last update
Previous update
 28 May 2024Art  Changed art of some pets and made slight adjustments to others.
28 May 2024Balance CockatriceUNDOCUMENTED: Cockatrice can now target other units besides the last pet on the opposing team if it isn't high enough level to turn it to stone.
28 May 2024Balance Thunderbird
UNDOCUMENTED: All the pets with 'front-most' abilities have been conformed to not affect themselves.
Sleipnir and Salmon of Knowledge already worked this way.
28 May 2024Balance Ogopogo
UNDOCUMENTED: All the pets with 'front-most' abilities have been conformed to not affect themselves.
Sleipnir and Salmon of Knowledge already worked this way.
28 May 2024Balance Moth
UNDOCUMENTED: All the pets with 'front-most' abilities have been conformed to not affect themselves.
Sleipnir and Salmon of Knowledge already worked this way.
28 May 2024Balance Monkey
UNDOCUMENTED: All the pets with 'front-most' abilities have been conformed to not affect themselves.
Sleipnir and Salmon of Knowledge already worked this way.
 28 May 2024Balance Skewer
Tier: 6 > 5.
Probably changed due to Radish, a test server perk that was removed before the update was published.
28 May 2024BalanceBuffStrawberryOld perk: Enables Strawberry abilities. New perk: Faint: Give the back-most friend +1 attack and +1 health.
28 May 2024Balance WolverineOld level 1 ability: Adjacent friendly abilities deal 3 damage extra. New level 1 ability: Four friends hurt: Remove 2 health from all enemies.
28 May 2024Balance VelociraptorOld level 1 ability: Start of battle: Give Coconut perk to one random Strawberry friend. New level 1 ability: Friend attacks: Steal friendly Strawberry ahead to give friends +2 attack and +3 health.
28 May 2024BalanceNerfSpinosaurusStats: 4/8 > 4/4. Old level 1 ability: Friend faints: Give one random friend +3 attack and +2 health. New level 1 ability: Friend faints: Give one random friend +2 attack and +3 health.
28 May 2024Balance Sabertooth TigerStats: 6/6 > 3/5. Old level 1 ability: Hurt: Summon one random tier 1 pet as a 5/5. New level 1 ability: Faint: Summon one Mammoth with +2 attack and +3 health for each time this was hurt.
28 May 2024Balance OstrichOld level 1 ability: End turn: Gain +1 attack and +1 health for each tier 5 pet or higher in the shop. New level 1 ability: Roll: If there are four tier 6 shop pets, roll pets and give friends +1 attack and +1 health.
28 May 2024BalanceBuffOrcaStats: 4/8 > 5/7. Old level 1 ability: Faint: Summon one random Faint pet from any pack. New level 1 ability: Faint: Summon one random Faint pet from ANY pack as 6/6.
28 May 2024Balance ShoebillStats: 2/4 > 3/6. Old level 1 ability: End turn: Give Strawberry friends +1 attack and +2 health. New level 1 ability: Start of turn: Replace the nearest Strawberry ahead with +4 attack and +4 health.
28 May 2024Balance AlpacaChanged Alpaca. Tier: 5 > 6. Old level 1 ability: Friend summoned: Give it +1 experience. Works 1 time per turn. New level 1 ability: Friend summoned: Give it +1 experience. Triple in battle. Works 1 time per turn. Added to Star pack.
28 May 2024Balance StarfishTier: 4 > 5. Stats: 3/4 > 3/7. Old level 1 ability: Friend sold: If it was a Sell pet, give one random friend +1 attack and +1 health. New level 1 ability: Level 3 friend sold: Give friends +1 attack and +1 health. Triple if sold pet had at least 10 attack.
28 May 2024BalanceBuffPraying MantisOld level 1 ability: Start of turn: Knock out adjacent friends and gain +2 attack and +2 health. New level 1 ability: Start of turn: Deal 50 damage to adjacent friends and gain +2 attack and +2 health.
28 May 2024Balance PelicanTier: 4 > 5. Stats: 2/3 > 2/5. Old level 1 ability: End turn & Start of battle: Give one random Strawberry friend +2 attack and +1 health. New level 1 ability: Start of battle: Swallow one Strawberry friend ahead and turn it into a Salmon on faint.
28 May 2024Balance OrangutanTier: 4 > 3. Stats: 3/6 > 1/4. Old level 1 ability: End turn: Give the lowest health friendly pet +4 health. New level 1 ability: End turn: Give the lowest health friendly pet +3 health.
28 May 2024BalanceNerfBlobfishTier: 4 > 5. Stats: 2/6 > 2/10. Old level 1 ability: Faint: Give the nearest friend behind +2 attack and +2 health and +1 experience. New level 1 ability: Faint: Give the nearest friend behind +1 experience. Give to one more friend in battle.
28 May 2024Balance WoodpeckerTier: 3 > 5. Old level 1 ability: Start of battle: Deal 2 damage to the nearest two pets ahead. New level 1 ability: Start of battle: Deal 2 damage to the nearest two pets ahead. Triggers 2 times.
28 May 2024BalanceNerfLeechStats: 4/2 > 2/4. Old level 1 ability: End turn: Deal 1 damage to the nearest pet ahead and gain +1 health. New level 1 ability: End turn: Deal 1 damage to the nearest friend ahead and gain damage as health.
28 May 2024Balance CassowaryStats: 2/4 > 4/2. Old level 1 ability: End turn: If this has a Strawberry friend, gain +1 attack and +1 health. New level 1 ability: Friend gained strawberry: Gain +1 health. Also gain +1 attack until end of battle.
28 May 2024Balance CapybaraOld level 1 ability: Roll: Give unfrozen shop pets +2 attack and +1 health. New level 1 ability: Roll & Sell: Give newly rolled shop pets +1 attack and +1 health.
28 May 2024Balance YakAdded to Custom pack. Removed from Star pack.
28 May 2024Balance SalamanderStats: 2/4 > 1/1. Old level 1 ability: Friend bought: If it was a Start of battle pet, gain +2 attack. Works 1 time per turn. New level 1 ability: Start of battle: Gain +1 attack and +1 health for each level of each Sell friend.
28 May 2024Balance KoalaStats: 3/2 > 2/2. Old level 1 ability: Friend hurt: Give it +1 attack and +1 health. Works 1 time per turn. New level 1 ability: Friend hurt: Give it the Eucalyptus perk. Works 1 time per turn.
28 May 2024Balance IguanaStats: 3/3 > 2/4.
28 May 2024BalanceNerfDoveStats: 2/1 > 1/1. Old level 1 ability: Faint: Give two Strawberry friends +2 attack and +2 health. New level 1 ability: Faint: Replace two random friendly Strawberry perks with +2 attack and +2 health.
28 May 2024Balance Atlantic PuffinOld level 1 ability: Start of battle: Deal 2 damage for each strawberry friend to one random enemy. New level 1 ability: Friend attacks: Remove its Strawberry perk to deal 2 damage to the last enemy.
28 May 2024BalanceNerfSeahorseTier: 1 > 2. Stats: 2/3 > 2/4. Added to Custom pack. Removed from Star pack.
28 May 2024Balance PillbugOld level 1 ability: Shop tier upgraded: Give the two nearest pets behind +1 health. New level 1 ability: Sell: Stock one free Sleeping Pill.
28 May 2024Balance KiwiStats: 2/2 > 1/4. Old level 1 ability: Sell: Replace one random friendly Strawberry perk with +2 attack and +2 health. New level 1 ability: Hurt & Sell: Give one random Strawberry friend +1 attack.
28 May 2024Balance HummingbirdStats: 2/2 > 3/1. Old level 1 ability: Start of battle: Give +2 attack and +1 health to one random Strawberry friend. New level 1 ability: Start of battle: Give Strawberry perk to the nearest friend ahead.
28 May 2024Balance FrogOld level 1 ability: Start of battle: Swap stats of the two adjacent friends. New level 1 ability: Sell: If both adjacent friends are tier 2 or lower, swap their stats.
28 May 2024Balance CockroachStats: 1/4 > 1/1. Old level 1 ability: Start of turn: Set attack to the current shop tier + 1. New level 1 ability: Faint: Summon one 1/1 Cockroach and give it +1 experience.
 28 May 2024Feature  UNDOCUMENTED: Maxed out stats are now bold and MAX pops up when a pet doesn't get the full benefit of a stat boost.
 28 May 2024Feature  
Changed perks to use the same visual language as abilities.
I think this means the change to snipes showing pineapples and strawberries instead of rocks.
 28 May 2024Feature  Added custom rule for Versus games so players can see their next opponent.
 28 May 2024Feature  Added timeout for players who leave or abandon aggressively in Versus.
 28 May 2024Feature  Added ability to freeze shop items by right clicking.
 28 May 2024Feature  Added rank decay so +1800 rank players loses 10/day after 7 inactive days.
 28 May 2024Feature  Added option to gift packs to your friends.
 28 May 2024Fix  Fixed Mana Hound + Warf dealing damage with zero rolls.
 28 May 2024Fix  Fixed Witch Broom not working properly with Chameleon.
 28 May 2024Fix  Fixed Sneaky Egg always summoning Cracked Egg in battle on faint.
 28 May 2024Fix  Fixed Goldfish losing sell value on transform.
 28 May 2024Fix  Fixed Cornucopia having missing text.
 28 May 2024Fix  Fixed Manticore working while Dazed.
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