Hard Mode: Toys are the penalty modifiers you have to choose from as you progress through Hard Mode. On odd numbered turns from 3 onwards you will be presented with 2 toys to choose from.

Puppy Pack: Certain pets can summon friendly toy helpers that will last for 2 turns before breaking.

Toys originally had their own hidden attack values which made it hard to determine start of battle ordering, however they were subsequently changed to have 99 attack and so go before any pet abilities.
Toy Name
Toy Type
Max Tier
Microwave OvenF2P2 Level 1: Start of battle: Give Popcorn perk to the front-most perkless friend.
Level 2: Start of battle: Give Popcorn perk to the two front-most perkless friends.
Level 3: Start of battle: Give Popcorn perk to the three front-most perkless friends.
Action FigureHard Mode16Start of battle: Give Coconut perk to two first enemies. 294
BoomerangHard Mode15Start of battle: Deal 30 damage to the highest health friend.Retired.298
BootHard Mode16End turn: Deal 50 damage to the front-most friend. 299
Bowling BallHard Mode16End turn: If you rolled less than 6 times this turn, deal the turn number as damage to friends. 300
Cardboard BoxHard Mode14Start of turn: Sell the two front-most friends. 302
Chocolate BoxHard Mode16Start of battle: Give +1 experience to friends and +2 experience to enemies. 794
Crumpled PaperHard Mode16Summoned: Replace this with another random toy. 482
Deck of CardsHard Mode14Friend bought: Transform it into ANY random pet from the same tier with new base stats. 303
DiceHard Mode16Roll: Lose 1 gold. 304
Dice CupHard Mode16Start of battle: Shuffle positions of all friends. 286
DodgeballHard Mode16Start of battle: Deal 30 damage to the lowest health friend. Triggers 2 times.Retired.289
FluteHard Mode16End turn: If you did not buy any tier 1 food this turn, make friends Dazed until next turn. 485
HandkerchiefHard Mode13Start of battle: Make the two front-most friends Weak. 306
KiteHard Mode16Empty front space: Remove 20% attack from the back-most friend and move it to the front. 307
LampHard Mode16Start of battle: Remove 20% attack and 20% health from friends. 506
LunchboxHard Mode16Start of battle: Feed Apples to random pets for each turn number. Double their power on enemies. 308
OnesieHard Mode16Start of battle: Make two random friends Cold. 590
Open Piggy BankHard Mode16Start of turn: Lose 3 gold. 310
Paper ShredderHard Mode15Friend summoned: Knock it out. 312
PenHard Mode13Start of battle: Make the two front-most friends Inked. 313
Pill BottleHard Mode16Start of battle: Knock out the two front-most friends and the front-most enemy. 284
Pogo StickHard Mode16Start of battle: Push the last enemy up front and give it +100% attack and +100% health. 314
Remote CarHard Mode16Start of battle: Give enemies +20% attack and +20% health. 315
RingHard Mode16End turn: If you spent less than 13 gold this turn, remove 20% health from friends. 582
Ring PyramidHard Mode16Start of battle: Knock out friends from the previous tier. 316
Rock BagHard Mode16End turn: Deal 1 damage to the three front-most friends. Multiply damage with their tiers. 285
Rubber DuckHard Mode16All enemies fainted: Summon one 50/1 enemy Duck. Works 1 time per battle. 318
ScaleHard Mode16Start of battle: Set attack and health of all friends to the turn number. 795
Soccer BallHard Mode16Start of battle: Knock out friends from the current tier. 486
Spinning TopHard Mode12Friend faints: Deal 2 damage to one random friend.Retired.323
Sticky HandHard Mode16Start of battle: Make the two back-most friends Icky. 792
Stuffed BearHard Mode16Three friends faint: Summon one exact enemy copy of the back-most friend. 324
UnicycleHard Mode16Start of battle: Give enemies front-to-back +1 attack and +1 health for each turn.Retired.288
Vacuum CleanerHard Mode16End turn: Remove the lowest tier perks from two friends. 793
Yo-YoHard Mode16All enemies fainted: Make all friends faint. 329
BroomHard Mode25Start of turn: Remove all friends and gain 10 gold + 2 times the turn number. 301
GlassesHard Mode35Start of battle: Set health of all friends to 5.Retired.305
ScissorsHard Mode36End turn: Transform front-most friend into another random pet from 2 tiers below. 319
SpringHard Mode33All enemies fainted: Summon one 4/4 enemy Dog. Works 1 time per battle.Retired.321
Toy MouseHard Mode36Start of battle: Transform all friends to level 1. 327
TrampolineHard Mode44All enemies fainted: Summon one 8/8 enemy Kangaroo. Works 1 time per battle. 328
Rocking HorseHard Mode55All enemies fainted: Summon three 6/4 enemy Horses. Works 1 time per battle. 317
BalloonPuppy Pack1 Level 1: Break: Give the front-most friend +1 attack and +1 health.
Level 2: Break: Give the front-most friend +2 attack and +2 health.
Level 3: Break: Give the front-most friend +3 attack and +3 health.
Tennis BallPuppy Pack1 Level 1: Start of battle: Deal 1 damage to two random enemies.
Level 2: Start of battle: Deal 2 damage to two random enemies.
Level 3: Start of battle: Deal 3 damage to two random enemies.
Garlic PressPuppy Pack2 Level 1: Start of battle: Give the front-most friend Garlic perk.
Level 2: Start of battle: Give the two front-most friends Garlic perk.
Level 3: Start of battle: Give the three front-most friends Garlic perk.
Plastic SawPuppy Pack2 Level 1: Start of battle: Give Eucalyptus perk to the front-most friend.
Level 2: Start of battle: Give Eucalyptus perk to the two front-most friends.
Level 3: Start of battle: Give Eucalyptus perk to the three front-most friends.
RadioPuppy Pack2 Level 1: Break: Give friends +1 health.
Level 2: Break: Give friends +2 health.
Level 3: Break: Give friends +3 health.
Oven MittsPuppy Pack3 Level 1: Break: Stock one free Lasagna.
Level 2: Break: Stock two free Lasagnas.
Level 3: Break: Stock three free Lasagnas.
Toilet PaperPuppy Pack3 Level 1: Start of battle: Make the first enemy Weak.
Level 2: Start of battle: Make the first two enemies Weak.
Level 3: Start of battle: Make the first three enemies Weak.
Foam SwordPuppy Pack4 Level 1: Start of battle: Deal 6 damage to the lowest health enemy.
Level 2: Start of battle: Deal 6 damage to the lowest health enemy. Triggers 2 times.
Level 3: Start of battle: Deal 6 damage to the lowest health enemy. Triggers 3 times.
Melon HelmetPuppy Pack4 Level 1: Break: Give the front-most friend Melon perk.
Level 2: Break: Give the two front-most friends Melon perk.
Level 3: Break: Give the three front-most friends Melon perk.
Toy GunPuppy Pack4 Level 1: Start of battle: Deal 6 damage to the last enemy.
Level 2: Start of battle: Deal 6 damage to the last enemy. Triggers 2 times.
Level 3: Start of battle: Deal 6 damage to the last enemy. Triggers 3 times.
FlashlightPuppy Pack5 Level 1: Break: Give front-most friend +6 attack and +6 health.
Level 2: Break: Give front-most friend +12 attack and +12 health.
Level 3: Break: Give front-most friend +18 attack and +18 health.
Stinky SockPuppy Pack5 Level 1: Start of battle: Remove 40% health from the highest health enemy.
Level 2: Start of battle: Remove 40% health from the two highest health enemies.
Level 3: Start of battle: Remove 40% health from the three highest health enemies.
Air Palm TreePuppy Pack6 Level 1: Start of battle: Give the front-most friend Coconut perk.
Level 2: Start of battle: Give the two front-most friends Coconut perk.
Level 3: Start of battle: Give the three front-most friends Coconut perk.
Peanut JarPuppy Pack6 Level 1: Start of battle: Give the front-most friend Peanut Butter perk.
Level 2: Start of battle: Give the two front-most friends Peanut Butter perk.
Level 3: Start of battle: Give the three front-most friends Peanut Butter perk.
TelevisionPuppy Pack6 Level 1: Break: Give friends +2 attack and +2 health.
Level 2: Break: Give friends +4 attack and +4 health.
Level 3: Break: Give friends +6 attack and +6 health.
Crystal BallUnicorn Pack1 Level 1: Start of battle: Give the front-most friend +2 mana.
Level 2: Start of battle: Give the front-most friend +4 mana.
Level 3: Start of battle: Give the front-most friend +6 mana.
Magic WandUnicorn Pack1 Level 1: Start of battle: Give the back-most tier 2 or lower friend +1 experience.
Level 2: Start of battle: Give the back-most tier 2 or lower friend +2 experience.
Level 3: Start of battle: Give the back-most tier 2 or lower friend +3 experience.
Witch BroomUnicorn Pack1 Level 1: Start of battle: Make one random perk-less enemy Weak.
Level 2: Start of battle: Make two random perk-less enemies Weak.
Level 3: Start of battle: Make three random perk-less enemies Weak.
Magic CarpetUnicorn Pack2 Level 1: Friend summoned: Give it +1 attack.
Level 2: Friend summoned: Give it +2 attack.
Level 3: Friend summoned: Give it +3 attack.
Magic LampUnicorn Pack2 Level 1: Friendly level-up: Give it +1 attack and +1 health.
Level 2: Friendly level-up: Give it +2 attack and +2 health.
Level 3: Friendly level-up: Give it +3 attack and +3 health.
CandelabraUnicorn Pack3 Level 1: Three friends bought: Break and give all friends permanent +1 attack and +1 health.
Level 2: Three friends bought: Break and give all friends permanent +2 attack and +2 health.
Level 3: Three friends bought: Break and give all friends permanent +3 attack and +3 health.
Glass ShoesUnicorn Pack3 Level 1: Three friends faint: Break and give all friends permanent +1 attack and +1 health.
Level 2: Three friends faint: Break and give all friends permanent +2 attack and +2 health.
Level 3: Three friends faint: Break and give all friends permanent +3 attack and +3 health.
Golden HarpUnicorn Pack3 Level 1: Spend 12 gold: Break and give all friends permanent +1 attack and +1 health.
Level 2: Spend 12 gold: Break and give all friends permanent +2 attack and +2 health.
Level 3: Spend 12 gold: Break and give all friends permanent +3 attack and +3 health.
Lock of HairUnicorn Pack3 Level 1: Three food bought: Break and give all friends permanent +1 attack and +1 health.
Level 2: Three food bought: Break and give all friends permanent +2 attack and +2 health.
Level 3: Three food bought: Break and give all friends permanent +3 attack and +3 health.
Magic MirrorUnicorn Pack3 Level 1: Three friends sold: Break and give all friends permanent +1 attack and +1 health.
Level 2: Three friends sold: Break and give all friends permanent +2 attack and +2 health.
Level 3: Three friends sold: Break and give all friends permanent +3 attack and +3 health.
PickaxeUnicorn Pack3 Level 1: Roll 7 times: Break and give all friends permanent +1 attack and +1 health.
Level 2: Roll 7 times: Break and give all friends permanent +2 attack and +2 health.
Level 3: Roll 7 times: Break and give all friends permanent +3 attack and +3 health.
Red CapeUnicorn Pack3 Level 1: Friend jumped: Break and give all friends permanent +1 attack and +1 health.
Level 2: Friend jumped: Break and give all friends permanent +2 attack and +2 health.
Level 3: Friend jumped: Break and give all friends permanent +3 attack and +3 health.
RosebudUnicorn Pack3 Level 1: Two friendly level-up: Break and give all friends permanent +1 attack and +1 health.
Level 2: Two friendly level-up: Break and give all friends permanent +2 attack and +2 health.
Level 3: Two friendly level-up: Break and give all friends permanent +3 attack and +3 health.
Treasure ChestUnicorn Pack3 Level 1: Break: Stock one free pet from tier 2 as a 4/4 level 3.
Level 2: Break: Stock one free pet from tier 4 as a 8/8 level 3.
Level 3: Break: Stock one free pet from tier 6 as a 12/12 level 3.
Treasure MapUnicorn Pack3 Level 1: Break: Summon a level 1 Treasure Chest.
Level 2: Break: Summon a level 2 Treasure Chest.
Level 3: Break: Summon a level 3 Treasure Chest.
NutcrackerUnicorn Pack4 Level 1: All friends fainted: Summon one 6/6 Salmon of Knowledge in battle once.
Level 2: All friends fainted: Summon one 12/12 Salmon of Knowledge in battle once.
Level 3: All friends fainted: Summon one 18/18 Salmon of Knowledge in battle once.
OcarinaUnicorn Pack4 Level 1: Start of battle: Give the middle friendly pet +5 mana.
Level 2: Start of battle: Give the middle friendly pet +10 mana.
Level 3: Start of battle: Give the middle friendly pet +15 mana.
Thunder HammerUnicorn Pack4 Level 1: Start of battle: Give one random Tand & Tand +6 attack and +6 health.
Level 2: Start of battle: Give one random Tand & Tand +12 attack and +12 health.
Level 3: Start of battle: Give one random Tand & Tand +18 attack and +18 health.
Tinder BoxUnicorn Pack4 Level 1: Empty front space: Summon one 6/6 Giant Eyes Dog up front in battle once.
Level 2: Empty front space: Summon one 12/12 Giant Eyes Dog up front in battle once.
Level 3: Empty front space: Summon one 18/18 Giant Eyes Dog up front in battle once.
Evil BookUnicorn Pack5 Level 1: Empty front space: Summon one 6/6 Great One in battle that deals 6 damage to ALL other pets.
Level 2: Empty front space: Summon one 12/12 Great One in battle that deals 12 damage to ALL other pets.
Level 3: Empty front space: Summon one 18/18 Great One in battle that deals 18 damage to ALL other pets.
Pandoras BoxUnicorn Pack5 Level 1: Start of battle: Give ALL pets random perks and ailments.
Level 2: Start of battle: Give ALL pets random perks and ailments with double effects.
Level 3: Start of battle: Give ALL pets random perks and ailments with triple effects.
ExcaliburUnicorn Pack6 Level 1: End turn: Give the back-most friend +1 attack and +1 health.
Level 2: End turn: Give the back-most friend +2 attack and +2 health.
Level 3: End turn: Give the back-most friend +3 attack and +3 health.
Holy GrailUnicorn Pack6 Level 1: Break: Stock one free Holy Water.
Level 2: Break: Stock two free Holy Waters.
Level 3: Break: Stock three free Holy Waters.
BackpackWacky Weekly11Start of battle: Remove back-most friend.  
Comic BookWacky Weekly11Start of Turn: Transform front-most friend into another random pet from the same tier.  
MirrorWacky Weekly11Start of Turn: Choose one pet from your last opponent's remaining pets to stock.  
SkateboardWacky Weekly11Anything bought: Unfreeze shop and roll.Weekly Brawl only 
Tiny HouseWacky Weekly11End turn: Gain remaining gold next turn.  
Wacky BroomWacky Weekly11Start of turn: Remove all friends and gain the turn number +9 in gold.Name changed due to Hard Mode Broom toy. 
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