Haps' Discord Weekly Challenge
Haps' Discord server and compete in weekly randomised challenges to earn points towards this leaderboard!
Each week Haps' generates a pack 1 random team using my randomiser. Players can then earn points by winning with that team in various ways:
Standard mode (1 point):
- Winning team must contain all 5 pets but can be in any order.
Order mode (3 points):
- Winning team must contain the correct pets and in the right order.
Reverse mode (3 points):
- Winning team must contain all 5 pets but in reverse order.
Perfect mode (10 points):
- Win with all 10 hearts remaining and the winning team must contain the correct pets and in the right order.
Sloth mode (20 points):
- Win using Sloth and 4 other pets in any order from the weekly team.
Food mode (3 points):
- Winning team must contain all 5 pets, in any order with the correct held food.
Level mode (3 points):
- Winning team must contain all 5 pets, in any order with the correct levels.
Extreme mode (10 points):
- Winning team must contain the correct pets, in the right order with the correct levels and food held.
If you achieve either Food mode or Level mode and also get Order/Reverse mode at the same time, you get the points for both.
If you achieve Extreme mode you get the points for Order, Food, Level and Extreme.
Double points are awarded for any challenge completed in Hard mode.