Tier Lists
Check out how various content creators have rated the pets in the past! If you want to hear their detailed explanations for how they ranked each pet follow the video links below. Click the Designer button to load a tier list in the Tier List Designer if you want to use one of these as a basis for your own list.
Tier List
SubOptimal v0.2925/10/2023YouTubeMixture of lobby, 1v1 and arena.Designer
RevGT v0.2922/10/2023YouTubeThe whole kitchen sink... plus sloth!Designer
SubOptimal 1v110/10/2023YouTubeOpinions on Turtle Pack for 1v1 ranked games. Seems like mirror only!Designer
Official Discord Community Food Tier List05/08/2023 Organised by Meowmaster. All the foods were voted on over the course of a few days with the choices being S, A, B, C, D or F. There was no E tier option.Designer
SubOptimal v0.2628/03/2023YouTubeFull list following new art update.Designer
Grounded SAP v0.2526/02/2023 Full list following first Golden Pack patch. Couple of odd ones here like shrimp and chicken which are not good in the static packs but can be extremely good elsewhere.Designer
Official Discord Community Tier List14/02/2023 Sent to me by Meowmaster. All the pets were voted on over the course of a few days with the choices being S, A, B, C, D or F. There was no E tier option.Designer
Rev GT17/11/2022YouTubeMixture of real gameplay factors and comical personal bias! Includes tokens.Designer
Grounded SAP v0.22 v222/10/2022 Updated after a month+ of play and prior to what I assume is another imminent patch!Designer
SubOptimal v0.2218/09/2022YouTubeUpdated to the 0.22 version of the game.Designer
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Tier List Contents
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Remember that pet stats, abilities and tiers change over time, so the older a tier list is the less likely it is to be accurate for the current version of the game!