Draft Versus
Draft is an alternative way to player Versus mode. All teams share a partial custom pack and then draft pets and food to fill the empty slots, resulting in slightly different packs for each player. Import your pack into the game and prove who's the best drafter!
TEST VERSION: This is the first version of the draft system to go live, so if you encounter any bugs or issues join Haps' Discord and report them in the groundeds-bounty channel. If you do experience a crash you should still be able to rejoin a draft in progress by finding the draft link in your browser history. Alternatively you can bookmark the link as soon as the draft begins.

WARNING: Make sure you check with all participants beforehand which packs they own. Since each drafted pack will be different, using the 'same as host' pack option in the versus lobby will not allow others to play with pets they don't own!

WARNING: Whenever a database update is applied to the site all existing drafts will be cleared, including in progress drafts. I will try and put warning notices out before updates going forward, however in general these tend to occur on Mondays in the evening GMT. There is no pick timer, which does mean you can do a slow draft over multiple days if you want to, however the longer you take the more at risk you are of losing the whole lot because an update is due.