Perk Type
AmbrosiaBlock ailment or 8 damage, once.Perk60
BaguetteBefore attack: Remove the front-most enemy perk, once.Perk64
BananaFaint: Summon one 4/4 Monkey.Perk25
BlueberryPrioritize this for enemy random abilities.Perk28
Brussels SproutBlock being pushed or 5 damage, once.Perk66
CaramelBefore attack: Combine friendly Caramels to deal 3 damage each to the most healthy enemy, once.Perk67
CarrotEnd turn: Gain +1 attack and +1 health.Perk15
CauliflowerKnock out: If still standing, gain permanent +1 attack and +1 health, once.Perk71
CheeseAttack with at least 15 attack, once.Perk23
CherryBefore battle: Gain 2 trumpets.Perk7
ChiliAttack second enemy for 5 damage.Perk5
Chocolate CakeBefore attack: Gain +3 experience and faint.Perk30
ChurrosActivate ability before other pets with the same trigger.Perk70
CoconutIgnore damage once.Perk0
ColdTake +5 damage, once.Ailment54
CrispAnyone attacks: Take 6 damage, once.Ailment57
CroissantEnd turn: Gain +1 attack.Perk20
CucumberEnd turn: Gain +1 health.Perk19
DazedPrevent ability from activating.Ailment55
DonutPrioritize this for friendly random abilities.Perk36
DurianBefore attack: Reduce the most healthy enemy by 33% health, once.Perk45
Easter EggFaint: Summon one 3/3 Bunny that attacks for double damage.Perk51
EggBefore attack: Deal 2 damage to target, once.Perk24
EggplantBefore battle: Push opposite enemy 1 space forward.Perk38
EucalyptusTake 4 less enemy damage, once.Perk68
Faint BreadFaint: Summon ANY one tier 1 Faint pet.Perk86
Fairy DustEmpty front space: Jump to the front and gain +2 mana, once.Perk49
FigBefore attack: Deal 4 damage to the lowest health enemy, once.Perk46
Fortune CookieAttack has 50% chance to deal double damage.Perk11
GarlicTake 2 less damage.Perk9
Gingerbread ManBefore battle: Gain +1 experience.Perk52
Golden EggBefore attack: Deal 6 damage to target, once.Perk47
GrapesStart of turn: Gain +1 gold.Perk16
Health PotionBefore battle: Give the front-most friendly pet +2 health.Perk58
HoneyFaint: Summon one 1/1 Bee.Perk8
IckyTake double damage, twice.Ailment56
InkedAttack and ability deal 3 less damage.Ailment37
KiwanoAbility deals exactly 10 damage, once.Perk78
LemonTake 7 less damage, twice.Perk22
Love PotionBefore battle: Summon one 3/3 pet like this.Perk59
Magic BeansStart of turn: Gain the Golden Egg perk and increase sell value by 4 gold.Perk48
Mana PotionBefore battle: Gain +6 mana.Perk61
Meat BoneAttack with +3 damage.Perk6
MelonTake 20 less damage, once.Perk13
Melon SliceTake 10 less damage, once.Perk79
MushroomFaint: Come back as a 1/1.Perk1
OnionBefore attack: Move to the back, once.Perk31
Oyster MushroomBefore battle: Transform nearest friend ahead to this at level 1.Perk77
PancakesBefore battle: Give friends +2 attack and +2 health.Perk35
PeanutKnock out any pet attacked and hurt by this.Perk2
Peanut ButterKnock out any pet attacked and hurt by this, once.Perk88
PepperHealth does not go under 1. Removed after taking damage.Perk18
PieBefore battle: Gain +4 attack and +4 health.Perk39
PineappleAbility deals +2 damage, thrice.Perk21
Pita BreadHurt: Gain +15 health, once.Perk33
PopcornFaint: Summon one random pet from the same tier.Perk17
PotatoTake 10 less damage from abilities and perks, twice.Perk29
RadishBefore battle: Gain ANY useful perk from the pet's tier.Perk65
RambutanBefore attack: Gain +3 mana.Perk62
RiceSell for +2 gold.Perk43
SaltAttack for double damage, once.Perk3
SausageStart of turn: Gain one free roll.Perk69
SeaweedBefore attack: Transform into a Sea Urchin.Perk72
SkewerAttack second and third enemy for 3 damage.Perk26
SleepyAttack with half damage, once.Ailment84
SpookedTake +1 damage.Ailment63
SteakAttack with +20 damage, once.Perk12
StrawberryFaint: Give the back-most friend +1 attack and +1 health.Perk14
TastyFaint: Give one random enemy permanent +2 attack and +2 health.Ailment85
TomatoBefore attack: Deal 10 damage to the last enemy, once.Perk34
WeakTake +3 damage.Ailment10
Yggdrasil FruitFaint: Summon two 5/5 Nordic Goats.Perk50
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