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Super Auto Pets
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Personality Test
Take a quiz and find out which pet fits your personality the best!
Question 1: Which pack/mode do you play the most?
Turtle Pack or Weekly
Puppy Pack
Star Pack
Golden Pack
Custom Packs
I play them all equally
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Question 2: How do you prefer to pick pets for your team?
I have my favourite build and I stick to it
I like to look out for specific combos
I like to keep my options open
I want the shop to surprise me
I try to mix up my choices as much as possible
No preference
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Question 3: What attracted you to Super Auto Pets in the first place?
The pets are soooo cute!
The gameplay looked interesting
The whole package
I saw NL playing it and he's my idol
I saw NL playing it and wanted to crush him
One of my friends pressured me into it
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Question 4: How would you describe your Super Auto Pets goals?
Winning is the most important thing to me
I enjoy looking for unusual builds and interactions
My main focus is collecting the achievements
I just want to have fun
The game helps me kill 5 minutes at the bus stop
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Question 5: Which type of pet abilities do you gravitate towards the most?
The stranger the better
Abilities that disrupt opposing teams
Pets that can put my whole squad on their backs
Abilities that will surprise my opponents
Abilities that are very reliable
Nothing in particular
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Question 6: Which part of the game do you enjoy most?
Analysing my team and considering my next move
Getting a crazy shop roll
Seeing the fountain of stats when I click End Turn
Customising my experience with hats and backgrounds
Watching my team pop off in battle
Seeing something unusual happen, even if it means losing
Beating a meta build with my low tier squad
It's all one big cohesive blob of fun
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Question 7: How many of the pets stats and abilities do you think you can remember off the top of your head?
I know them all inside and out
I can probably remember the majority
Only my favourites
I have to read the pet summaries every game
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Question 8: Which of these is your favourite scaling method?
Emperor Tamarin
Canned Food
I don't need scaling
I love all scaling equally
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Question 9: If you could delete one pet from the game, which of these would you choose?
There are never enough pets
I don't care enough to delete any of these
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Question 10: How do you spend most of your time with Super Auto Pets?
Playing Arena at my own pace
Challenging myself to beat Arena in different ways
Experimenting with builds in Arena or Versus against myself
Playing Versus mode with a lobby of friends
Playing 1v1 Versus competitively
Watching videos to get inspired
Hanging out in stream chat
All of the above in equal measure
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Reveal Your SAP Personality