Unicorn Rebalance 18 August 2024
Hot on the heels of the Star revamp is a pretty significant Unicorn revamp to try and address some of the lingering balance issues. 3 new pets and 2 new foods for Unicorn, plus some bonus Puppy and custom pack changes to boot! As usual there may be areas of the site that take longer than others to be fully updated, so please bear with me.
Wacky Star Pack Revamp! 26 June 2024
The Star pack revamp has been out for a little while, which means a bunch of new pets... and loads of housekeeping to do on the website! Hopefully everything should be updated now. Some features will be gone for Star pack for a bit and of course a bunch of Star related bounties became obsolete, but that's a small price to pay for new pets!

In the long gap between updates there's also been a couple of special 'Wacky' weekly packs which involve permanent hard mode style toys on every team. Pretty nifty!
  • Updated the Pets and Foods pages to show the Custom Status of items (F2P, Star or Unicorn)
  • Updated the Foods page to show separate Ability and Effect columns
  • Updated the Toys page to show Wacky Weekly toys
  • Updated the Weekly Packs page to show Wacky Weekly toys
  • 46 more videos added to the Challenge Videos database
  • Weeks 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110 and 111 added to Weekly Packs
Waiting for Star 05 May 2024
A little bit surprised that the Star pack update hasn't released yet, but it's good that they're taking the time to get it right. Or at least as right as it's possible to get on the test server before it hits live and someone finds something broken...

Just a database update today with challenges and bounties logged. More updates to finally complete the Unicorn compatibility will be forthcoming... just haven't finished them yet!
Unicorn Bounties 26 March 2024
Added some bounties for Unicorn now that things have settled down a bit, as well as a smattering of others that involve the new pets. Some of these will no doubt be very easy, but we're just testing the water for now and more changes may not be far away.

Star Pack is currently undergoing testing for a revamp, so it won't be long before there is another batch of new pets and food to add!

Since the sheer number of items in the game just keeps increasing, I've added an option to the Tier List Designer to expand the size of the tier list area and limit the need for vertical scrolling.
Myths and Legends 19 February 2024
Wow. That was a lot of importing! Hopefully all the new Unicorn pets, food and toys should now be present and correct. Let me know if you spot anything wrong or missing. There was a patch today with a bunch of changes so that too should be applied now.

As usual there will be some areas of the site where it takes a bit longer to enable Unicorn pack, but I think given how unbalanced many of the new pets still are even after the update, it's probably worth waiting before I finish bringing those sections up to date.

Perks and Ailments are now on a separate screen from Foods. It's a little confusing given that there is overlap between the two but this is how the game does it now and it makes importing future patches a bit easier.

Week 94 has brought changes to the Weekly Pack in that it is now possible to have more than 10 pets and 3 foods per tier. Who knows how often this will happen going forward but the Weekly Pack Viewer has been changed to support a flexible number of pets. Note that if you export a weekly pack code that has more pets or food than normal, the game will import your custom pack as a draft. The drop down list of packs now also shows the pack's author where appropriate.
Bracing for Unicorn Pack! 30 January 2024
Unicorn pack is only a few days away and, while I'm very excited, it's release will require a lot of work to update the site given the huge number of new pets being added. Please bear with me while I try to get everything imported!
Year of the Pigeon (until Unicorn Pack comes out!) 09 January 2024
Well it's a brand new year, which means time to update the website after a sneaky patch for Super Auto Pets rolled out on December 28th. This update added the pigeon, hare and fig to the game while also tinkering with the balance for a handful of other pets and foods. Everything on the site should be in line with the patch now but let me know if you spot anything amiss.

The Bounty Board has been updated with some new challenges that include the new pets, but there is also now a new category of bounty called Freestyle. These bounties only list partial teams and it's your job to fill in the blanks while still satisfying the bounty conditions. This allows for a lot more creativity than the regular bounties and also means you can complete the same bounty multiple times with different builds if you so desire.
It's Drafting Time! 02 December 2023
Finally, over a year since I started working on it, the Draft System is available for everyone to try. For those who don't know, drafting is an alternative way to play Versus mode in which each player starts with the same partial custom pack and then takes turns picking pets and food to fill the empty slots. When all players have a completed pack it's time to face off! Of course, you could also use it to create a pack for Arena if you want to - maybe race head to head with a friend to see who can get a win with their drafted pack first or take on a solo random draft! With this being the first publicly available version, I'm sure there will be teething problems so do be aware that it may be taken offline at any time if something serious needs fixed.

We've been putting out draft videos as a group for a while now, and you can follow them or catch up via the Draft Video Series page. Find videos from previous rounds or study the Average Draft Positions of all the pets.

As part of the draft update the Pack Randomiser now allows you to leave empty pet slots. Although this was intended for draft you could also challenge yourself to start with a partial random pack and fill it with the 'correct' pets you need to get a win. Also the pets being selected or excluded on the Pack Designer and Pack Randomiser are highlighted now for better legibility.

To make it easier to use your own existing custom packs, I've also added an Import Pack screen.

A long standing bug on the Team Randomiser page has finally been fixed. Previously all the token pets would disappear if you didn't include all packs in the randomisation. The 'special' token pets have also been added alongside the other tiered pets, such as dolphin in Puppy Pack or monkey in Golden Pack.

Since I was curious about it myself, I've added Weekly Most and Least Common to Computed Packs. This section has also been changed so that the food is included in the ranking if possible, but can still be randomised if the ranking only makes sense for pets.

Meanwhile the Challenge Videos page has now passed 1000 entries. That's a whole lot of challenging - great work everyone!
Mascots! 30 October 2023
The new Mascots are now listed in their own mini database. This section will also track any '6 of a Kind' runs involving 5 of the same pet plus the corresponding mascot! You can also make a mascot tier list in the Tier List Designer if you feel like it, although they are all very cute and hard to rank...

Most people don't bother making full tier lists of ALL the pets in the game nowadays, but RevGT isn't most people. Check out his tier list video on YouTube and afterwards maybe try editing his list to your own liking here or use the Tier List Comparison tool to compare it to the tier list he made almost a year ago. A few interesting rankings in there!

The Team Designer now has shortcut buttons to let you swap adjacent pets and food without having to reselect them from scratch. Probably should have had that options since the beginning!

The Pack Viewer, Tier List Designer and Versus Lobby Tool now have toggle options for switching between the Classic and Standard art for pets.

Turtle and Puppy pack have been enabled again in the Bingo Randomiser and I've added 40 new conditions to cover the changes to those packs. Hopefully all the impossible ones have also been removed but if you do spot one that slipped through the cracks let me know!

Another batch of 10 bounties have also been added for the static packs just to keep things ticking over.
Standard Food Art 06 October 2023
The Standard art for food has now replaced all the Classic food art. Sadly the option to switch to the Classic food art was removed from the game, so it only makes sense the site follows suit. I've also added the option to choose Standard or Classic pet art on the Team Randomiser.

The Pack Designer now has an option to select a pack icon, so if you want one of the token pets you don't have to mess around with editing the pack code manually.

The Pack Randomiser was used in Skoottie's recent tournament which was awesome to see, however it did occur to me that it would be more useful if you could guarantee specific foods to prevent dud pets. To that end I've added options to guarantee some of the required and or important foods while still randomising everything else.

The pet icons on the Pack Viewer now link directly to the appropriate Pet Profile page. This will gradually be rolled out to all the other areas in the site where you can view packs.

A bug affecting the Odds Calculator has now been fixed. Thanks to Wombat for pointing it out!
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