The sheer volume of Super Auto Pets videos on YouTube at this point is staggering. After well over a year of playing and uploading, I thought I would pick out some of my all-time favourites. I'll try to limit myself to one per creator, although with so many people uploading daily for the majority of the year it's going to be difficult to narrow it down!
Along with NorthernLion, Noutek's channel was my other daily watch back in the early days of my SAP career. The eyecatching gradient thumbnails always stood out and he ran through virtually every possible build in pack 1 before I'd even uploaded my first video.

Noutek's SAP videos are all unlisted now, however I managed to grab a link to one of my favourites from the notifications section in his Discord channel. This run involves the level 3 hatching chick, which is pretty uncommon to see by itself, but when his shop luck starts cranking up it gets pretty silly pretty quickly.
G0ldy has been uploading since October 2021, so I guess I've been watching him for well over a year now too. His funny edits and laid back style have always been entertaining regardless of the build he's running, but one of my favourite things about his videos is that he's always uploaded the painful losses when trying to get something going.

The video that stands out first in my mind is one in which he demonstrates a really unique use for the level 1 frog. I'd never seen this before and the fact that he really worked hard to finally pull the build off made it even sweeter.
Flame and I both started uploading as a result of Noutek's bounty challenges back at the end of 2021. Little did we know how many challenge runs we would end up completing in the year ahead...

I could have taken the obvious choice with Flame's classic 50/50 level 3 sloth video, but at this point surely everyone in the SAP community has been recommended it on YouTube at least once! Instead I'm going with the full Fly team in pack 1. Old can, unusual 5 of a kind - what more do you need?
SAG needs no introduction now, but like Flame I was introduced to him because we were all competing for Noutek's bounty challenges. To be fair, once he joined in I never really had any hope of winning another one.

SAG has loads of classic and unique challenge runs, but I've gone for the 'No Pack 3 Pets' challenge which utterly blew my mind at the time. This involves having a final build in Pack 3 that contains no Star Pack pets at all. Truly wild!
I can't remember exactly when I started watching Haps, but I'm sure he had quite a few videos up already. It's strange how it can feel like YouTube sometimes keeps channels secret from you until you've clicked on just the right video to get a recommendation!

Maybe I'm a bit biased here but I had to select a fairly recent Haps run in which I make a cameo appearance. As a group we'd been waiting for something like this to happen for quite a while, so it was super satisfying to see it finally click.
EFFO hasn't uploaded for a long time, but his channel is still a treasure trove of bizarre and unique SAP videos.

My favourites are the really unique challenge run ideas that don't necessarily require you to win the game. The Pokemon inspired catching challenge is especially clever, and he even developed a little GUI to help keep track of pets 'caught' during the game. Truly inspired!
I wonder if SubOptimal has the most hours in SAP worldwide? I can believe that even if it's not true!

The first video of his that came to mind was this crazy run in which he uses hyena and 2 skunks to convert a 50/50 opponent into a 1/1. Hyena may well be the least played unit in the game because, let's face it, it's hot garbage. Actually finding a use for it and also achieving the proof of concept in arena was very impressive.
Well, did you agree with my picks?

There are plenty more SAP creators out there, I know, but maybe I'll save some of them for a Part 2 article...